The top 10 indicators that you are receiving a good therapy, medication or service:
- You are encouraged to work on learning, personal growth, rehabilitation or recovery as solutions to the challenges you face.
- You are respected and treated as an equal with choice and control over yourself. When you disagree with a treatment option, you are listened to and asked what you want.
- Accommodations for disabling conditions empower more options for you, rather than limiting your options.
- You don’t feel obliged to do work on issues or do anything as a favour for a professional supporter, and you aren’t afraid to be honest, even though they are nice to you.
- If you are told what to do, you know why and how to do it.
- After the first three months, you continually improve over the length of the service.
- There is noticeable change in you, such that others see and comment on changes.
- Changes in your functioning last more than 21 days, and you are able to build on the change.
- In the first six months of service, you know what the goals of service are; how you know when you reach the goals; and when the service will end.
- You are not blamed for your challenges or think you are punished unfairly.
Here’s your checklist to be sure that your supports are competent and planned for you:
- Supporters have the qualifications – education, experience, professional designations and certifications to know about what you need or want.
- Supporters ask for your consent to work with them after they have answered all your questions.
- Supporters are clear about what they can and cannot do for or with you.
- Supporters do not make decisions about you without you, unless there is a serious safety issue.
- Supporters do not touch you or your possessions without your permission.
- Supporters have explained to you how to make complaints or end services.