Behaviour Analysis
Current advances in cognitive and behavioural science, neuroscience and genetics, provide a basis for personal growth where previously there was only myth and mystery. Currently most therapeutic disciplines embrace a behavioural approach to treatment. Behaviour Analysis is a scientific research-based therapy. Current evidence is finding Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and Contextual Behavioural Science to have the most effective treatments for psychological, neurological and behavioural challenges, issues such as acquired brain injury, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and trauma have all benefited from therapy.

Positive Behaviour Support
Behaviour doesn’t just stop, it changes when there is a better alternative. Positive Behaviour Support based on a Functional Analysis of Behaviour makes it easier for you to use alternate behaviours that suit your personality and personal growth needs.
As a Behaviour Analyst I offer expertise from extensive behavioural technologies. You are given choices of strategies and tools so that you are sure to find the ones that appeal to you, and fit your individual needs and lifestyle.
ABA re-connects you to your life, so you stabilize, feel better and do better. Step by step plans to learn, practice and be rewarded for alternate behaviour. Supported actions, interactions and reactions to be at your best, avoid pitfalls, and prevent problems, until your new behaviours are getting you what you want, and your life has positively changed.
Systems Support
Bobbi has supported system change throughout healthcare from teaching staff teams to developing comprehensive ‘Train the Trainer’ programs customized to your needs.

Behavioural Therapy Services

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
ACT teaches you to know yourself, accept the person you are and thus take control of your life in a way that opens up your opportunities for growth and change. It is a short-term therapy for a long-term solution to managing and controlling the behaviours – including thoughts and emotions – that get in the way of your hopes dreams and goals.

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
DBT is the only therapy with solid evidence of success with personality disorders. It is a therapy that works best when the people who care about you get involved as well, although it is not necessary. The therapeutic relationship is a critical part of this therapy. Make a free introductory appointment to come in and meet with Bobbi to see if she can help.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
CBT is well known as an effective short-term therapy for less complex behavioural challenges. The FAQ on the difference between CBT and ABA explains how the therapeutic approach changes depending on the individual needs of the client.